Neues Schloss Schleißheim (New Schleißheim Castle)
To the east of the Old Schleißheim Castle, the Neues Schloss Schleißheim (New Schleißheim Castle) was commissioned by Elector Max Emanuel and built from 1701 under the direction of Henrico Zuccalli and continued in 1715 under Joseph Effner. The New Palace was originally planned with several wings, but only the monumental main wing was realised. Effner was also responsible for the extremely important artistic decoration of the halls and state rooms. The undivided fresco by Jacopo Amigoni, which fills the entire ceiling of the Great Hall, was the largest ceiling painting in the world for several decades. Other frescoes are by Cosmas Damian Asam and Thomas Christian Wink, the carved and stuccoed interior decorations by Johann Baptist Zimmermann and Charles Dubut, among others.In front of the garden façade of the palace, a park laid out by Dominique Girard according to the principles of French garden art with a canal system extends to the Lustheim hunting lodge about 1 km away, built by Zuccalli between 1684 and 1690.
Last edited on 29.10.2023