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Staatsgalerie im Neuen Schloss Schleißheim - Europäische Barockmalerei (State Gallery in the New Schleißheim Palace - European Baroque Painting)

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Open today 10:00-16:00
Max-Emanuel-Platz 1
85764 Oberschleißheim

Baroque masterpieces in a magnificent Baroque gallery - this is what visitors to the Staatsgalerie in Neues Schloss Schleißheim (New Schleißheim Castle) can enjoy. Where Elector Max Emanuel presented his collection of paintings, today there is an outstanding collection of all European schools of the 17th and 18th centuries. Lodovico Carracci, Guercino, Carlo Saraceni, Luca Giordano, Carlo Dolci and Jacopo Amigoni, Peter Paul Rubens, Anthonis van Dyck and David Teniers the Younger. German, Dutch, French and Spanish paintings are also represented, including the famous "Cycle of the Twelve Months" by Joachim von Sandrart and portraits by Joseph Vivien.

Last edited on 19.05.2024

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Associated museum groups

Museum / Exhibition Centre: Neues Schloss Schleißheim (New Schleißheim Castle)

To the east of the Old Schleißheim Castle, the Neues Schloss Schleißheim (New Schleißheim Castle) was commissioned by Elector Max Emanuel and built from 1701 under the direction of Henrico Zuccalli...

Location: Oberschleißheim

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