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Museum der Stadt Füssen (Museum of the city of Füssen)

Special features:
partly accessible
Opening Times
Open today 13:00-16:00
Lechhalde 3
87629 Füssen

The gentleman gallantly lifts his hat to ask the maiden to dance. But she is anything but pleased - after all, the cavalier is a skeleton ... Under the motto "Sagt Ja Sagt Nein Getanzt Muess sein!" all people must follow death in its round dance. The 20 panels of the "Füssen Dance of Death" from 1602 are the oldest preserved representation of this theme in Bavaria and one of the highlights of the town museum. The fact that the people of Füssen never let this spoil their joy of dance and music is proven by the extensive collection of plucked and stringed instruments - the town is considered the cradle of commercial lute making in Europe. St. Mang helps with plagues of mice, caterpillars and grubs. This saint is also the patron saint of the former monastery, in whose magnificent baroque complex the museum is located. A separate section is therefore dedicated to the life of St. Magnus and the almost thousand-year history of the monastery.

Last edited on 26.10.2023

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