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Römermuseum Bedaium (Bedaium Roman Museum)

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Opening Times
Open today 10:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00
Römerstraße 3
83358 Seebruck

The name Seebruck is no coincidence: there was already a bridge over the Alz at this location in Roman times - and one of the most important Roman settlements in Bavaria, Bedaium (named after Bedaius, the god of Chiemsee, who was worshipped in a sanctuary here). The museum exhibits Roman artefacts that bear witness to the lively trade and rich cultural life in Chiemgau at that time. The museum also includes the foundations of the Bedaius temple uncovered in the immediate vicinity of the church. Furthermore, the vaults of the hypocaust heating system of another building (Römerstr. 27) can be visited on an archaeological trail.

Last edited on 12.12.2023

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