Museum für Abgüsse Klassischer Bildwerke (Museum of Castings of Classical Works of Art)
Whether Nike of Samothrace, Discus Thrower, Heracles Farnese, Laocoongroup or Apollo from the Belvedere - world-famous statues of ancient gods, heroes and humans are on display here, the originals of which are scattered in major museums all over the world. The Cast Museum, with its focus on Hellenistic sculpture and Roman portraiture, presents the original plaster casts in two 18-metre-high, light-flooded halls: 16 times Aphrodite, 20 times Dionysus, almost 400 statues on 900 m² on the ground floor alone leave a lasting impression. And since some of them were already created in the 19th century, some of them transmit the ancient statues in a more complete state than the originals today. An architectural model of the Parthenon of Athens also dates from this period. The colourful reconstruction conveys a realistic impression of the splendour of ancient houses of worship.
Last edited on 03.06.2024