Fränkisches Spitalmuseum Aub (Franconian Hospital Museum Aub)
The Auber Pfründnerspital, built in 1351 shortly after the worst plague epidemic of the Middle Ages had passed, was one of the richest rural hospitals in Franconia. Today, the spacious 1500 m² exhibition area provides a comprehensive presentation of Franconian hospital life in terms of art, culture, social and piety history.The museum is housed in the Gothic core building of the hospital and includes the church as well as the sick or church parlours. Important principles of hospital life can be experienced here. In the adjoining barn, the aspect of the hospital as a large business enterprise is presented.As built Caritas, hospitals were committed to the care of fellow human beings. The tradition and change of this idea lead to the hospitals, old people's homes and hospices of the present day.
Last edited on 26.10.2023