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ReichsstadtMuseum Weißenburg with "Haus Kaaden"

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Martin-Luther-Platz 3-5
91781 Weißenburg

The ReichsstadtMuseum Weißenburg tells the rich history of the former Free Imperial City. Individual sequences highlight various aspects of this period, which lasted from the Middle Ages to 1802. For example, what was the relationship between the "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation" and the free imperial cities? What was their special status? The centrepiece of this section is the imperial letter of arms from 1481, with which Weißenburg received its coat of arms, which is still valid today. The development of the walls and defences, the history of the town library, the school and health system, trade, transport and crafts as well as living in the town are also presented, while in the neighbouring "Haus Kaaden" (Pfarrgasse 4) the section "Arrival and integration of displaced persons in Weißenburg" shows the history of the inhabitants of the former Sudetendeutsches Haus Kaaden an der Eger.

Last edited on 03.12.2024

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