Städtische Gemäldegalerie und Hohes Schloss (Municipal Art Gallery and High Castle)
Visible from afar, the Municipal Picture Gallery and High Castle tower over Füssen. Three focal points determine the collection: the "Munich School of Painting" with works by Carl Spitzweg, Franz v. Defregger, Adolf Lier and Joseph Wenglein, the artistic work of Franz Graf v. Pocci (1807-1876) from the Pocciana Collection, which is presented in temporary exhibitions, and paintings by Oskar Freiwirth-Lützow, who was born in Moscow in 1862 and died in Füssen-Bad Faulenbach in 1925. Changing exhibitions also show works by Percy Rings (1901-1994) and Gottfried Herrmann (1907-2002), winners of the City of Füssen's Culture and Art Prize. The museum tour also includes a visit to parts of the castle grounds: the battlements, the clock tower with the turret room on the 6th floor, the Veit chapel and the drop tower.
Last edited on 14.02.2024