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Goldbergbaumuseum Goldkronach (Gold Mining Museum Goldkronach)

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Bayreuther Straße 21
95497 Goldkronach

The Goldbergbaumuseum Goldkronach (Gold Mining Museum Goldkronach) explains how the former village of Kronach became the town of Goldkronach. In the former forestry office building, built in 1740, the eventful history of the village is presented, from the heyday of gold mining in the 14th and 15th centuries to the present day. The focus is, of course, on gold - its origin, mining and processing - but also on the life of the miners and Alexander v. Humboldt's creative period in the Goldkronach mining district. A reconstructed medieval alchemy laboratory bears witness to the futile attempts to produce gold artificially.

Last edited on 14.02.2024

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