Donau-Schiffahrts-Museum (Danube Navigation Museum)
All machines are on "stop", but this museum can start moving at any time! Two historic ships, the paddle steamer "Ruthof/Érsekcsanád" from 1922/23 and the motor train ship "Freudenau" (built in 1942) make up the Danube Navigation Museum (Danube-Schiffahrts-Museum). The boiler room, engine room, command and steering position as well as the ship's galley of the steamer have been preserved in their original condition. Where the crew once slept, there are now models, dioramas and display boards. The "Freudenau", on the other hand - hardly changed since its time in service - provides an insight into the life and daily routine of the Danube skippers, including occasional round trips. And involuntarily he comes to mind again, the long-forgotten Danube steamship company captain ....
Last edited on 29.10.2023