Altes Schloss Schleißheim - "Das Gottesjahr und seine Feste" - Ökumenische Sammlung Gertrud Weinhold (Old Schleißheim Castle - "The Year of God and its Festivals" - Ecumenical Collection Gertrud Weinhold)
In the original presentation of the collection of Prof. E. h. Gertrud Weinhold (1899-1992), which has remained unchanged until now, a "universal atlas" of religious festivals and everyday cultures around the globe is opened up. More than 6000 objects, collected on countless journeys, document the calendar festivals of the religious year as well as their traditions and customary objects in a worldwide comparison. Gertrud Weinhold's achievement is the first supranational documentation of religious folk cultures. The result is an ecumenical presentation of the religious festivals developed on the basis of the Holy Scriptures, with a comparative view of the ceremonies and means of devotion of the neighbouring religions of Judaism, Islam and Buddhism.
Last edited on 19.05.2024