Molassic Park
An expedition to Bavaria's great apes, primitive elephants and subtropical forests
27.12.2024 - 09.11.2025 ,
MammutMuseum Siegsdorf (Mammoth Museum)
Long before the ice ages, a wild, exotic world with cinnamon trees and swamp cypresses existed where today there is urban hustle and bustle or cows graze, through which four-metre-tall elephants and sabre-toothed cats roamed. Extraordinary fossils from various archaeological sites in Bavaria bring the flora and fauna of this period to life in the exhibition and large-scale landscape reconstructions by the well-known Spanish palaeo-artist Mauricio Antón. A particular highlight are the sensational finds of "Udo", an 11.6 million year old unknown species of ape, scientifically known as Danuvius guggenmosi, discovered a few years ago in a clay pit in the Allgäu.
Last edited on 18.12.2024