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Desired worlds

04.12.2024 - 23.02.2025 ,
Stadtmuseum Schwabach (Schwabach City Museum)

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Today only open by appointment
Museumsstraße 1
91126 Schwabach

The members' exhibition of the Künstlerbund Schwabach (Schwabach City Museum) is dedicated to the theme of "Wishing Worlds".
The aim is to spread the message of a joyful and positive world.
In times of daily crises, wars and catastrophes, it is the important task of art to convey confidence and visions.
World events can sweep us away and overwhelm us. However, art offers us the opportunity to pause and counter external influences. We shape the future by being creative in the present.
With this in mind, the 33 exhibiting artists of the Künstlerbund Schwabach take the step of depicting dream worlds that suggest solutions for our time, goals for our lives or simply survival strategies. Their intention is to give courage and encourage people to develop their own wishes and visions for a better world.

Last edited on 14.11.2024

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Associated museum

Museum / Exhibition Centre: Stadtmuseum Schwabach (Schwabach City Museum)

All that glitters is not gold? At Stadtmuseum Schwabach (Schwabach City Museum) it is! The heart of the museum is a walk-in box covered in real gold leaf, which conceals a gold beating workshop....

Location: Schwabach