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Christian Rohlfs : Last chance

Weimar - Hagen - Ascona. A path to abstraction

11.08.2024 - 09.02.2025 ,
Olaf Gulbransson Museum Tegernsee

Special features:
partly accessible
Opening Times
Open today 10:00-17:00
Kurgarten 5
83684 Tegernsee

Naturalism, Impressionism, Expressionism and abstract tendencies - the oeuvre of Christian Rohlfs (1849-1938) unites all of these. His ability to explore different styles and continue to develop independently and innovatively, even in old age, makes him a unique figure in German art history.

Christian Rohlfs (1849-1938) underwent an impressive stylistic transformation during his creative period. The exhibition "Christian Rohlfs, Weimar - Hagen - Ascona. A Path to Abstraction" shows the development of his artistic work: from Naturalism to Impressionism to Expressionism and finally to abstract art. Each of the places mentioned stands for a particular style of painting. Shortly before his death, the Nazi regime defamed Christian Rohlfs' work as "degenerate". Rohlfs took a stand and contradicted the Nazi functionaries. As a result, his work was posthumously persecuted and banned.

Last edited on 23.10.2024

Additional information

Associated museum

Museum / Exhibition Centre: Olaf Gulbransson Museum Tegernsee

"I'll take Norway with me wherever I go," said Olaf Gulbransson (1873-1958) even in the last year of his life as he looked out over the Tegernsee valley. Born in Norway, he achieved international fame...

Location: Tegernsee