Made in Germany
Art intervention by Naneci Yurdagül at Max-Mannheimer-Platz and the Munich NS Documentation Centre
12.07.2024 - 06.10.2024 ,
NS-Dokumentationszentrum München (Munich Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism)
With two installations, the sculptor and performance artist Naneci Yurdagül (* Frankfurt am Main) poses fundamental questions about how people live together in the MADE IM GERMANY intervention: How do we treat each other? What characterises people? In the interior, the delicate, radiant neon lettering a mentsh is a mentsh proclaims the unconditionality and inviolability of the dignity of every human being. As an intervention on Max-Mannheimer-Platz, Dunkel Deutschland refers to the complex history of German national symbols and reflects the current threat to social cohesion in democracy. The two works are complemented by the work and pictorial motif Gesicht Zeigen (2024).
In his artistic practice, Yurdagül critically examines the themes of origin, national and religious identity and the associated attributions. He often uses signs anchored in the collective consciousness - such as religious and political symbols, cultural practices and, above all, language - as a means of expression. Yurdagül alters or combines them in a subversive way so that they are charged with new meanings and associations.
Last edited on 13.08.2024