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Architecture in the countryside

28.07.2024 - 20.10.2024 ,
Haus der Fotografie Dr. Robert-Gerlich-Museum (House of Photography Dr. Robert Gerlich Museum)

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Opening Times
Open today 10:00-18:00
Burg 1
84489 Burghausen

"The whole world is talking about the process of urbanisation and that half of the world's population will live in cities in the future. My interest is in the other half."

This sentence by Finnish architect Sami Rintala aptly describes the intention of this exhibition. Rural regions and their architecture usually receive too little attention - often unjustly. A wealth of current buildings shows what qualities can be discovered here. Architecture can contribute a great deal to a good life in the countryside.

Rural areas are increasingly gaining attention as a centre of life. They are places to live, live and work. To do this, they need a contemporary, ecological, social and structural infrastructure. When an architecture museum focuses on rural areas, special buildings and regional developments naturally take centre stage.

Architecture can be an expression of appreciation; at its best, it can generate self-confidence. That is why it is worth making a commitment to many small building projects as well as to entire village centres, to functioning public spaces that are accepted by the population. With this "requirement profile" and an open and attentive view of rural areas, the German Architecture Museum (DAM) has selected 70 remarkable examples of architecture in Europe (focus: Germany, Austria, France and Switzerland), 40 of which can be seen here in the Studienkirche St. Josef.

On display are technological developments and the combination of the traditional and the contemporary. The people who have realised the initiatives, building projects and participation processes in a self-determined way have their say. The exhibition highlights large and very small projects that can provide inspiration for further projects, arouse enthusiasm and invite us to learn from rural regions.

Last edited on 30.07.2024

Additional information

Associated museum

Museum / Exhibition Centre: Haus der Fotografie Dr. Robert-Gerlich-Museum (House of Photography Dr. Robert Gerlich Museum)

More than 170 years of photographic history are comprehensively presented with the help of historical photographs on the city's history, a camera collection of over 600 devices from all periods and...

Location: Burghausen