Hello Nature!
How do we want to live together?
03.10.2024 - 02.03.2025 ,
Germanisches Nationalmuseum (Germanic National Museum)
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The "Hello Nature" exhibition sheds light on the complex relationship between humans and nature. It asks what happens when people see themselves as the centre of the world and try to dominate nature. It shows the history of this relationship, which is characterised by exploitation, threats and efforts to preserve it. At the same time, the exhibition poses the question of future possibilities for living together.
The presentation is divided into three large chapters, which span an arc from the settling down period to the present day. It shows how the interactions between people and their environment have led to profound changes.
The first chapter sheds light on the long history of the appropriation and exploitation of nature by humans. The second chapter discusses the agency of nature and emphasises the realisation that humans cannot completely control nature. The third chapter is dedicated to new approaches and narratives that aim to overcome the opposition between nature and culture.
It asks what perspectives can be developed to overcome the current ecological crisis. It also examines how a look at history can help us to meet the major challenges of the present.
Last edited on 16.07.2024