Kristina Schuldt
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14.10.2023 - 17.12.2023 ,
kunst galerie fürth (art gallery fürth)
In the boisterous world of Kristina Schuldt's paintings, nothing looks like reality, hardly anything works as it should or is in the place where it belongs. Facial features are out of place. Deformed hands cannot get hold of the object they are grasping. The figures, often exposed to all kinds of mishaps, move on a fine line between courage and wantonness, mastery and loss of control. Kristina Schuldt's painterly approach also corresponds to this: the pictorial space is filled confidently and inexorably, and the pictorial action is laid out in multiple perspectives. At the same time, her painting repeatedly shows itself to be the result of a searching process in which figuration is allowed to stand next to abstraction, the unexpected next to the planned, and where the coherence of form and content is struggled for with relish.
Especially for kunst galerie fürth (art gallery fürth), the artist is developing a large wall piece in which she is integrating drawings and sketches as well as paintings. The exhibition also brings together a selection of paintings and graphics from the last ten years, which have been kindly made available on loan by private collectors.
Last edited on 06.02.2025