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Settlement history of the Alz

10.06.2023 - 30.07.2023 ,
Römermuseum Bedaium (Bedaium Roman Museum)

Special features:

The settlement of the Alz-Chiemsee region began in the Neolithic period and has continued uninterrupted to the present day. The Alz rises from Lake Chiemsee in Seebruck and the exhibition in the Roman Museum aims to provide an overview of the early settlement history along the course of the river. The exhibition focuses on the Bronze Age, the Celtic Iron Age, the Roman period and the early Middle Ages. Using a map of the ALz with today's locations as a guide, visitors can travel back over 4000 years in time. The original finds in the Roman Museum can also be viewed and marvelled at. The exciting texts penned by Dr Christian Soika, the district curator, arouse interest in discovering the rich history of our homeland in the region's museums.

Last edited on 08.11.2024

Additional information

Associated museum

Museum / Exhibition Centre: Römermuseum Bedaium (Bedaium Roman Museum)

The name Seebruck is no coincidence: there was already a bridge over the Alz at this location in Roman times - and one of the most important Roman settlements in Bavaria, Bedaium (named after Bedaius,...

Location: Seebruck