Munich Displaced
The rest of the rescued
05.07.2023 - 07.04.2024 ,
Jüdisches Museum München (Jewish Museum Munich)
- Ticket shop.
- Museum café.
- Shop.
The exhibition project Munich Displaced presents a variety of experiences in the immediate post-war period in Munich. For the first time, the heterogeneous group ofthe heterogeneous group of Displaced Persons (DPs), i.e. all those people who fled their home countries as a result of the SecondWorld War II, were deported or expelled and found themselves in Munich after 1945.found themselves in Munich after 1945.In two parallel exhibitions at the Jüdisches Museum München (Jewish Museum Munich) and the Münchner Stadtmuseum (Munich City Museum), the experiences and stories of DPs from a wide variety of backgrounds are placed in a local historical context.The Jüdisches Museum München (Jewish Museum Munich) sheds light on the local infrastructure of the Jewish DPs in Munich. The area around Möhlstraße in the Bogenhausen district is described, which was of immense importance after 1945 with central institutions such as the American Jewish aid organisation Joint, the Central Committee of Liberated Jews as well as many grocery shops and kosher restaurants. The founding of Jewish DPs in Munich, the opening of the restored Reichenbachstraße Synagogue in 1947 and the Exhibition of Jewish Artists in 1948 at the Städtische Galerie (Municipal gallery) in the Lenbachhaus (Lenbachhaus) are also discussed with the help of exhibits shown for the first time.
#MuenchenDisplaced on Instagram (external link, opens in a new window)
Last edited on 08.04.2024