Namibia - A somewhat different journey through a country
07.05.2023 - 21.05.2023 ,
Museum Segeum (Archeological Museum Segeum)
Winfried Adolf from Altusried in the Allgäu region is not only a profound expert on South West Africa - Namibia, but also a passionate philatelist who specialises in collecting postal items from the former German protectorate of German South West Africa. Winfried Adolf will take you on a journey to the "land of sand and sun" and into the history of the South West African postal system on the occasion of a Namibia evening.
Pastor Walter Moritz worked as a missionary in Namibia for many years. There, among other languages, he learnt the Namaqua language, which Johann Georg Krönlein, a missionary from Segnitz, researched in the 19th century and published translations and a dictionary. In his lecture, Walter Moritz will focus on the Namaqua language Khoekhoegowab and the missionary Johann Georg Krönlein from Segnitz.
Last edited on 14.02.2024