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Life under trees

Markus Heinsdorff Rain - Forest 2

19.03.2023 - 16.07.2023 ,
Haus der Fotografie Dr. Robert-Gerlich-Museum (House of Photography Dr. Robert Gerlich Museum)

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Opening Times
Currently closed
Burg 1
84489 Burghausen

The exhibition is the second part of the Rain Forest project by artist Markus Heinsdorff, who approaches the topic of the forest as a place to live and its influence on climate and flight from different perspectives by means of installation, architecture and photography.

Centrally located in the nave of the 17 m high, 11 m wide and 30 m long Kunsthalle Studienkirche St. Josef is an expansive art installation made of 12 large tree trunks with a total length of 50 metres. The massiveness of the trunks, the visible precise arrangement of the annual rings, their significance in terms of climatic conditions linked to time and, last but not least, their testimony to 1000 years of growth together convey an idea of the ingenuity of nature, of time and of wood as a finite and threatened resource. An installation about forests that deals with the topics of environment and climate change and wants to draw attention to the special protection of forests.

A second installation leads into the rainforest habitat. On display are plans, models, photographs and videos showing the realisation of two art-architecture projects that Markus Heinsdorff realised in the rainforests of Venezuela and Ecuador together with the indigenous communities living there.

Exhibition in the Studienkirche St. Josef, Kanzelmüllerstraße 90

Last edited on 30.07.2024

Additional information

Associated museum

Museum / Exhibition Centre: Haus der Fotografie Dr. Robert-Gerlich-Museum (House of Photography Dr. Robert Gerlich Museum)

More than 170 years of photographic history are comprehensively presented with the help of historical photographs on the city's history, a camera collection of over 600 devices from all periods and...

Location: Burghausen