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Hurray for... 75 Years of the Augsburg Puppet Box

16.03.2023 - 25.02.2024 ,
Die Kiste - Augsburger Puppentheatermuseum (The box - Augsburg Puppet Theater Museum)

  • Museum café.
  • Shop.
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Opening Times
Open today 12:00-18:00
Spitalgasse 15
86150 Augsburg

For 75 years, the Augsburger Puppenkiste has been known far beyond the city limits. The many theatre, film and television productions still inspire many people today, who continue to visit the theatre in large numbers to experience the famous puppets live.With this anniversary exhibition, the Augsburg Puppet Theater Museum (Die Kiste) congratulates the Augsburg Puppet Theater on its 75th birthday.This is the ideal opportunity to get to know the popular theatre and television marionettes, but also to learn curious background stories and receive information about the people behind the stage over the past decades. Figures are also presented that have not been seen in public for a long time. In addition to the marionettes, the exhibition also contains many props, awards and media that bear witness to the great artistic work of the ensemble.Everyone is welcome to celebrate this special birthday!

Last edited on 19.04.2024

Additional information

Associated museum

Museum / Exhibition Centre: Die Kiste - Augsburger Puppentheatermuseum (The box - Augsburg Puppet Theater Museum)

"An island with two mountains ..." Who doesn't know that one! But who knows that there is also a museum on the island? The puppets of the "Augsburger Puppenkiste", founded in 1948 by Walter and Rose...

Location: Augsburg