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Steffen Diemer. Gentleness in nature a quiet tranquillity

18.03.2023 - 21.05.2023 ,
Haus der Fotografie Dr. Robert-Gerlich-Museum (House of Photography Dr. Robert Gerlich Museum)

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Opening Times
Currently closed
Burg 1
84489 Burghausen

"Diemer's photography is not great theatre, but chamber theatre in black and white. For him, the event lies in the uneventfulness, the sensation in the emphasised simplicity of the representation as well as the subject. Diemer's world of images is a counter-design to the excitement of the digital age, a visual antithesis to a colourful, flickering iconography that is almost impossible to escape.

"Long times," the famous fashion photographer Paolo Roversi once said, "give the soul a chance to settle in." For Steffen Diemer, an average of one and a half minutes is enough to breathe something like soul into his pictures. That sounds like metaphysics. But Diemer's recourse to a historical procedure is not a muscle play of craftsmanship, but a means of generating images of a different kind: "Great silent images", to quote a term by the media scientist Norbert Bolz."

Hans-Michael Koetzle: Possibly one could speak of aura (excerpt). From: Steffen Diemer: haruka ushiro. Exhibition catalogue Galerie Albrecht, Berlin 2021.

Last edited on 30.07.2024

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Associated museum

Museum / Exhibition Centre: Haus der Fotografie Dr. Robert-Gerlich-Museum (House of Photography Dr. Robert Gerlich Museum)

More than 170 years of photographic history are comprehensively presented with the help of historical photographs on the city's history, a camera collection of over 600 devices from all periods and...

Location: Burghausen