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Season opening at KunstLANDing

05.03.2023 - 23.04.2023 ,
Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg e.V. (New Art Association Aschaffenburg e.V.)

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Opening Times
Open today 11:00-17:00
Landingstraße 16
63739 Aschaffenburg

For the opening of the season, the Neue Kunstverein Aschaffenburg focuses on the current development of contemporary art in the region. HERE takes a concentrated look at nine artists who, in addition to their quality, are united by their location in Aschaffenburg and the Rhine-Main region. Their selection presents the region as an important setting for current artistic work, provides insights into the themes and formats of contemporary art and forms a lively forum for art viewers and creators.

With: Gunter Schwind, Jens Schmittner, Jutta Walter, Irmtraut Edelmann, Bettina Klinkig, Christoph Jakob, Ben Gencarelle, Hartmut Natterer, Jennifer Maus

Last edited on 23.05.2024

Additional information

Associated museum

Museum / Exhibition Centre: Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg e.V. (New Art Association Aschaffenburg e.V.)

The classicist building, which was once a brewery, post office, school and youth centre, now serves as a lively experimental space for artists. Since its foundation in 1991, the Neue Kunstverein...

Location: Aschaffenburg