Crosses. 1000 years after Henry II.
Encounter of gemstone and chainsaw
24.02.2024 - 16.07.2024 ,
DiözesanMuseum Bamberg (Diocesan Museum Bamberg)
To mark the 1000th anniversary of the death of the founder of the diocese, Emperor Henry II, the Diocesan Museum is dedicating itself to the symbol of the cross. From 16 May, the exhibition will replace the Fritzlar Henry Cross with a textile rarity from the 11th century from the Bamberg Cathedral treasury: a reliquary cross from a portable altar donated by Emperor Henry, the so-called Henry Portatile! The fabric cross, decorated with fragments of the cross of Christ and other relics, was the precious centrepiece of the container. Medieval crosses and precious objects enter into a fascinating dialogue with contemporary crosses. Modern artists interpret the religious motif not only as a symbol of faith, but also as a sign and object of existential questions and economic and political interests. Works by Joseph Beuys, Hermann Bigelmayr, Sonja Toepfer, Alfred Haberpointner, Horst Egon Kalinowski, Arnulf Rainer, Jörg Länger, Ortrud Sturm and others open up new and contrasting perspectives for the viewer. The special exhibition highlights the changes in the meaning of the cross over the last 1000 years.
The exhibition is presented in the barrier-free special exhibition area of the Bamberg Diocesan Museum. A publication and a cultural education programme will accompany this exhibition in the year commemorating the founder of the diocese, Henry II.
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Last edited on 17.07.2024