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Real counterfeits

11.10.2024 - 02.02.2025 ,
Bayerisches Polizeimuseum (Bavarian Police Museum)

Special features:
partly accessible
Opening Times
Open today 10:00-17:30
Turm Triva, Klenzepark
85049 Ingolstadt

Countless near-perfect forgeries are currently a threat to the art market. Auction houses, exhibitors, galleries and appraisers are coming under scrutiny. Viewers and collectors are unsettled.
How do you track down forgeries? Where does suspicion begin and evidence end? What does a forger look like? How do viewers or even collectors of works experience it when they are discovered to be forgeries? Do the buyers perhaps even play a part in allowing such forgeries to enter the market?
Students of art history at the University of Kassel will open up a laboratory of experiences not only with historical facts and cases, but also with the players in the market.

#armeemuseum on Instagram (external link, opens in a new window)

Last edited on 03.02.2025

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Associated museum

Museum / Exhibition Centre: Bayerisches Polizeimuseum (Bavarian Police Museum)

Hitler's putsch and the Schwabing riots, the VW Beetle and the Munich Olympics - the Bayerisches Polizeimuseum (Bavarian Police Museum) brings back the history of the past 100 years, from the...

Location: Ingolstadt